Dreams: Their Meaning and Uses from an Orientational Jungian Approach
Is there a way of knowing the definite meaning of a dream? What kind of change can we expect after we grasp the meaning of a dream? Is there a healing dimension to dreams, a warning dimension, a wisdom dimension, a dimension that reveals elements of our fate?
In his revolutionary book The Way of the Image, Jungian analyst Yoram Kaufmann said he “crystallized Jung’s ideas” in formulating the Orientational Approach to the psyche.(See note below*) In this workshop we will use the Jungian Orientational approach to explore 10 dreams for their revelations about human psychology. Finally, we will apply this approach to understand outer life situations, in work and relationships, as we do a dream.
*Prior to the workshop, please read the title essay in The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann, available in the C.G. Jung Bookstore, or on Amazon from Zahav Books.
Learning Objectives
Apply an Adult Development Lifespan Perspective to Complexes and Images.
Discuss the role of Cultural, Social and Personal Contexts in Generating Psychological Interpretations.
Assess the role of Endogamous and Exogamous impulses as manifested in Dreams.
Summarize the Orientational Method of translating Symbols and Images into Words and Concepts.